The type of the current route's loader function
Mapping from a parent route's filepath to its loader function type
Note that parent route filepaths are relative to the app/
For example, if this meta function is for /sales/customers/$customerId
// app/root.tsx
const loader = () => ({ hello: "world" })
export type Loader = typeof loader
// app/routes/sales.tsx
const loader = () => ({ salesCount: 1074 })
export type Loader = typeof loader
// app/routes/sales/customers.tsx
const loader = () => ({ customerCount: 74 })
export type Loader = typeof loader
// app/routes/sales/customers/$customersId.tsx
import type { Loader as RootLoader } from "../../../root"
import type { Loader as SalesLoader } from "../../sales"
import type { Loader as CustomersLoader } from "../../sales/customers"
const loader = () => ({ name: "Customer name" })
const meta: MetaFunction<typeof loader, {
"root": RootLoader,
"routes/sales": SalesLoader,
"routes/sales/customers": CustomersLoader,
}> = ({ data, matches }) => {
const { name } = data
// ^? string
const { customerCount } = matches.find((match) => === "routes/sales/customers").data
// ^? number
const { salesCount } = matches.find((match) => === "routes/sales").data
// ^? number
const { hello } = matches.find((match) => === "root").data
// ^? "world"
A function that returns an array of data objects to use for rendering metadata HTML tags in a route. These tags are not rendered on descendant routes in the route hierarchy. In other words, they will only be rendered on the route in which they are exported.